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Our Mama Pantry

Mama Fund Contact

Have Items You’d Like to Donate to our Mama Pantry? Amazing!

Here are just some of the items we accept. If you don’t see your items listed, drop us a line to see if we can accept it:

✨Small gift cards to stores, grocery or local play places for activities for the kids

✨ Diapers / Wipes

✨ Left over postpartum care items (unopened)

✨ Bottles

✨ Bath Care items (unopned)

✨ Baby Food / Snacks (not expired)

✨ Formula (not expired)

✨ Nursery Linens

✨ Clothing — can also consign to have 5% of the sales added to the fund and recoup some investment.

Things we cannot accept: cloth diapers & supplies, fake toilets, expired merchandise, carseats, and damaged items. If you wouldn’t use it, please don’t donate it. It isn’t kind to give something that isn’t in useable condition.

Donating to the Mama Pantry

Why Donate to Jack & Juni?

Direct Impact

Donations to Jack & Juni go directly towards providing essential items for babies and mamas in need. By donating, individuals can make an immediate and tangible difference in the lives of families who might be struggling to afford basics like formula and diapers.

Strengthening Community Bonds

Jack & Juni’s mama pantry isn’t just about providing items; it’s about building a supportive community. Donations help in fostering a community where neighbors look out for one another, ensuring that every child has a strong and nurturing start in life.

Promoting Sustainable Change

By addressing basic needs, Jack & Juni helps parents focus on other aspects of their lives, like employment or education, without the constant worry of how to provide for their child’s immediate needs. Over time, this assistance can contribute to breaking cycles of poverty and setting families on a path to long-term stability and success.

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